V.0.4.7 Release

Changelog for version 0.4.7: "Fighting Arena and Public Defeats":

 Fighting Arena:

* New Locations: West Slums Arena and Arena Grounds

* Fights between Ronda Gang members take place in the arena every two days.

* Players can watch the fights as spectators (new item 'Arena Ticket' costs 1 silver)

* 7 new Ronda Gang NPCs

* Ronda Gang fighter list: Carlos, Mercer, Serra, Nash, Gage, Kip, Vex, Riot, Axe, Pyro, Onyx

* During fights, players can try to distract fighters (Seduction Check)

* Players can bet on fights between NPCs

* Gang members will gain or lose status depending on the outcome of the fight.

* Raze organize tryouts to fight in the arena.

* Players pass the tryout if they're still standing after 30 minutes or if they score a knockout.

* Players can choose to focus on Evasion, Vigor, Fighting, and Seduction skill checks to win the fight.

* Tryouts can be repeated each day at 10:00 PM to level these skills.

* Raze (Arena Leader) will give players who pass the tryouts a quest to invite non-members to participate in fights.

* Players can convince Elektra, Fernando, Iaia, and Samya to fight.

* Recruiting NPCs into the arena increases a player's reputation with the Ronda gang.

* New billboard post announcing fights

* Slum dwellers in the west will now suggest the arena when asking for work.

* When players win a 3-on-1 fight, they receive a large reputation boost and 

Public Defeats:

* When fighting in the arena, defeated players and non-Ronda Gang NPCs will suffer a public humiliation/sex scene.

* Gang members are also subject to defeat scenes when their status reaches 0

* 5 new scenes: Slapping + Blowjob, Public Anal, Strap-On Anal, Vaginal, Strap-On Vaginal. Public orgasm scenes.

* 3 new defeat scenes with player as spectator (NPC on NPC): defeat anal, strap-on anal and defeat blowjob.

* The stance taken during the defeat sex scenes affects the reputation within the Ronda gang.

* Winning fights will increase your reputation within the Ronda gang.

* Players can agree to 3v1 fights once they've won three 1v1 fights.

* New 3vs1 defeat scenes: humiliation, bukkake, triple penetration/strap-on variant, public orgasm scenes

* Resisting begging leads to more brutal scenes

* Begging for mercy during defeat scenes will have a more negative effect on the player's reputation.

Other stuff:

* New consumable "Wound Healer" that clears any empty piercing slot. Sold at the Hazy Haven and found in several loot boxes, including Thulle's Workshop.

* The fading text now takes 8 seconds to fade instead of 5.

* The challenge in Fighting checks with one opponent is now based on the player's and NPC's Exhaustion, Pain, and Lust.

* Magnus, Jaxton, Vale, Xander, Chase, Fernando, Aras, Jaiden, Ursus, Brock, Joe, Ned, Veritas, Flex, Caius, Hawk, Rico, Alexis, Rowan, Phantom, Aria, Vesper, and Morwen now have huge penises.

* Yah, Foni, Lanari, Cohan, Toni, Lolo, Yendo, Surao, Novac, and Lanari now have small penises.

* Riley, Vela, Spikes, Rook, and Flicker now have tiny penises.

* Added more variety in butt size starting values

* Added more variety in breast size starting values

* Rico and Hawk's job is now "Crew boss"

Bug fixes:

* Fixed a bug that caused Jania to remove her collar when unbinding the player.

* Fixed a bug that reset body part sizes to default when changing an NPC's gender.

* Fixed a bug that prevented NPC histories from loading correctly on game startup.

* Slave collar no longer removed when the player is sold to brothel.

* When agreeing to join Viper as a prostitute, the player boss is now Viper, not Rico.

* Players are now relieved of guard duty when agreeing to be a human cow for Adanna.

* Fixed a bug that gave players a "Deviant's Thorn" when they had their frenulum or scrotum pierced.


Debasing Grounds v0470.zip Play in browser
74 days ago

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